Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Wow it's been ages....and it's been so busy...

It really has been to long since I posted on here....there has been so much going on....almost too much to tell, but here are some images from a couple of recent events. These shots were taken by James Hazlewood during the Art in Clay event at Hatfield House. I always enjoy seeing what James chooses to shoot, he really does take some great images of my pots and pots in general.

I am now packing pots for Ceramic Wales this this weekend. After that we have Pots and Food festival in the Peak District, then Abergevenny Food Festival and finally Ceramics in the City in's going to be a very hectic September.

Friday, 17 March 2017

I thought spring had sprung......

It really felt like spring had sprung on Tuesday, but today we are back to the grey skies and cool temps. So I thought I'd bring s bit if colour in from the garden and pop it in a new vase from last weeks firing. The vase was made with daffs in mind.


Monday, 13 March 2017

Some new pots

Some new pots from a firing last week. A firing that I thought was going to be a disaster (long story and won't bore you with it, let's just say that there were flames where there shouldn't have been, which ended up with a blown up and burnt pressure gauge) but luckily most of the pots came out as well as I could have......

Some have already sold, but some are available. Please email me at for more details.

Please don't forget to follow me via instagram @timlpots